Specialized in supplying river cruiseships



Posted on 8-3-2024 by Izaira_schulzrijnvaart.nl
Schmidt Zeevis is a big supporter of fish within in the
seasons. We use our own, carefully composed
fishing calendar in which the seasons are respected
and sustainability is taken into account
and quality. The Schmidt Fishing Calendar has been compiled
by professionals who work with fish daily.
You can see at a glance which month per fish species
and/or season the fish is best to be consumed.
Do not put fish on the menu when it is lean, or
during the spawning season. This way the fish is given the opportunity to grow
and procreate undisturbed. There is one for each fish species
fishing area indicated. Many varieties occur in several
seas. We have indicated the fishing area where Schmidt Zeevis sources the most fish.

Schmidt Fishing Calendar

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